Landscaping: Pruning of all shrubs and bushes will begin in January. The Board is currently in discussions with the landscapers to determine a final schedule. In certain circumstances shrubs and bushes may appear to be cut back and shaped more than needed. This is necessary for aesthetics and the well being of the foliage during the growing season, and no plantings of any kind should be resting against Homeplace units, stoops, steps, or railings. In rare instances, it may be necessary to remove identified shrubs and bushes due to their age, size, and overgrown root structure.
Front Railings: The Board has received all bids and has chosen a contractor for wood repair or replacement of front railings. All units have been inspected and prioritized into four groups. Due to the various conditions of the front railings on all units, the project will not be able to done on a per building basis and units will be addressed on a prioritized individual basis. The Board anticipates beginning this project later this Fall and its progression will be dependent on weather conditions and as finances allow.
Sanitation: Every week all trash and recycle containers must be returned to the rear of the unit, not the side of the unit, by 7pm, the day of pickup. It has been observed trash and recycle containers continue to remain in front of the units into the weekend. Should trash and recycle containers continue to remain in front of the unit homeowners will be notified.
Web Site: The schedules for Recycling and the Board of Directors Meeting Schedule have been updated for 2011. Homeowners and residents who have not already done so, please subscribe to the E-mail Distribution List as this tool will continue to be used more often to communicate with the community, and further utilized to distribute community mailings in an effort to reduce the rising costs for copies, envelopes, and postage.
Rear Decks: As a reminder, rear decks, including the area underneath, and on the ground adjacent to the entire rear deck structure, are not to be used for outside storage. All items should be stored in the utility closet on the deck or inside the townhome. Trash and recycle containers are to be stored upright in an orderly fashion at the rear of the unit, not the side of the unit, with lids secured at all times. Where space is available, trash and recycle containers may be placed underneath decks. Grills may be stored neatly on the decks.
Committees: Homeowners or residents who have an interest in joining committees the Association has to assist the Board may submit a Committee Interest Form that can be found on the Forms and Requests tab.
Season's Greetings: The Board would like to wish everyone a safe Holiday season and a Happy New Year.
Reminders: The Board of Directors meet on the third Tuesday every other month. All homeowners who wish to discuss a community concern at one of the scheduled Board meetings is asked to please contact the management company one week in advance to be added to the agenda. As always, please refer to the General Community Guidelines that are addressed most often regarding Homeplace at Adams Farm for non-compliance.