2020 Annual Meeting: The Board of Directors would like to thank all Members who returned ballots for the Homeplace Annual Meeting since the Annual Meeting could not be held in person due to the CoVid-19 pandemic. A returned mail quorum was established that re-elected Kathleen Sullivan and Jennifer Britt each to an additional 3-year term and elected José Batista and Hayden Carter to available open seats. Your Officers for 2021 are as follows: Kathleen Sullivan, President; José Batista, Vice-President; Paul DaBruzzo, Treasurer; Jennifer Britt, Secretary. The Board would like to thank Hayden Carter for his service upon receiving his resignation upon the sale of his townhome. We certainly hope the Annual Meeting for 2021 can return and be held in person.

Payment Coupons: Payment coupons for 2021 monthly Association dues were mailed to all homeowners not enrolled in ACH Draft payments and should have been received by the first week of January. Any homeowner who still has not received their 2021 monthly Association payment coupons due to the unexpected delays encountered by the U.S. Postal service during the 2020 holiday season should contact the management company as soon as possible.

Winter Pruning: Pruning of all community bushes and shrubs has been completed. Some pruning of bushes and shrubs may appear to be severe to not have them rest against or attempt to climb up, on, into, or through, Homeplace units, stoops, steps, railings, or downspouts. The next community pruning will occur during the months of June through August dependent on how much Spring rain is received to provide growth rejuvenation. As a reminder, personal plantings are not addressed by the landscaper, and if not appropriately marked may be cut back in error.

Tree Trimming: Community wide trimming of trees identified by vendors that needed attention has been completed. Some trees were subject for complete removal to get them away from the roofs, the sides of townhomes, and foundations. Additional tree trimming will be forthcoming. Please notify the management company of any tree that may need trimming or removal to be included with the next scheduled work. As a reminder, Homeplace is surrounded by a Common Area that is the responsibility of the Adams Farm Community Association. Should a reported tree be identified that is located in the Adams Farm Common Area it will be directed to the Adams Farm Community Association to address.

Pine Needles: Annual application of pine needles has been completed. Should an area be identified that may have been missed please notify the management company to have the overlooked area addressed.

Termite Inspection:  The annual termite inspection around all townhomes throughout the community has been completed by the new vendor and the Bait Systems have begun to be installed and is anticipated to be completed by the end of March.

Gutter Cleaning: The annual gutter cleaning, including downspouts, for all units throughout the community was performed and completed Thursday, March 4th and Friday, March 5th.

Parking: Complaints have been received regarding parking. Residents should not use Visitor parking spaces on a daily basis and is prohibited. Each unit is allocated two assigned parking spaces. Residents or guests parked in assigned spaces of others, on grass, in part or in whole, in designated illegal areas, on any of the main Homeplace streets or areas which would cause partial blocking of streets, or driveways, may be subject to towing at the expense of the vehicle owner. Overflow parking is available at the lower rear of Hearthwood Court if all Visitor Spaces are in use.

Sanitation: Trash and recycle containers continue to remain in front of townhomes, on streets, and sidewalks days after sanitation pickup has been completed. Should trash and recycle containers continue to not be stored properly homeowners will be notified and subject to fines. It is expected every week to have all trash and recycle containers returned to the rear of the unit, not the side of the unit, by 7pm, the day of pickup. Trash and recycle containers are to be stored upright in an orderly fashion at the rear of the townhome with lids secured at all times to prevent attraction of stray or wild animals. Where space is available, trash and recycle containers may be placed underneath rear decks. The placement and removal/storage of trash and recycle containers is a City of Greensboro Ordinance under Section 25-13c and Section 25-13d .

Rear Decks:  Rear decks, including the area underneath, and on the ground adjacent to the entire rear deck structure, are not to be used for outside storage. All items should be stored in the utility closet on the rear deck or inside the townhome.

Reminders: The Board of Directors generally meet on the fourth Tuesday every other month; however, have been meeting monthly since the CoVid-19 pandemic. All homeowners who wish to discuss a community concern at one of the scheduled Board Meetings are asked to please contact the management company at least one week in advance to be added to the Agenda. As always, please refer to the General Community Guidelines that are addressed most often regarding Homeplace at Adams Farm for non-compliance.